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🎧#11_ Creative -vs- Survival Mode
The old self is the raft we hold on to like shipwrecks. With a raft, however, you do not reach Ithaca; you just...
🎧 #10_Get over it!
There goes last year but the new one does not come so easily, eh? Why; Because you are stuck like an oyster in your...
🎧 #9_ Get stunned!
Traveling from the Cyclops' dark cave to the happy island of the Phaeacians we gained many experiences and listened...
🎧#11_ Creative -vs- Survival Mode
The old self is the raft we hold on to like shipwrecks. With a raft, however, you do not reach Ithaca; you just...
🎧 #10_Get over it!
There goes last year but the new one does not come so easily, eh? Why; Because you are stuck like an oyster in your...
🎧 #9_ Get stunned!
Traveling from the Cyclops' dark cave to the happy island of the Phaeacians we gained many experiences and listened...


2d place at the Business Idea Presentation Competition of The Entrepreneurship Conference “Do IT – Do In Thrace”

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