🎧#11_ Creative -vs- Survival Mode
The old self is the raft we hold on to like shipwrecks. With a raft, however, you do not reach Ithaca; you just...
🎧 #10_Get over it!
There goes last year but the new one does not come so easily, eh? Why; Because you are stuck like an oyster in your...
🎧 #9_ Get stunned!
Traveling from the Cyclops' dark cave to the happy island of the Phaeacians we gained many experiences and listened...
🎧 #8_The magic recipe
You are in a desperate situation and only a miracle can save you, but you do not know the recipe for it. The spiritual...
📝Μαύρη μέρα κι άραχνη/ Black day and spidery
How does a day, that is black and at the same time full of spiders, look like? Well, let’s take it from the...
🎧 #7_Just a coincidence!
Have any of the following ever happened to you?: 1. To think of someone and at that moment he/she calls you on the...
🎧 #6_Murphy’s law, Hamlet and Odysseus part II
In the previous episode (part I) we paid attention to a series of unfortunate events that could happen to everyone....
📝 I got out of my clothes- Βγήκα από τα ρούχα μου
Anger is an emotion we all experience more or less every day, even if we like it or not. The world out there is...
🎧 #5_ Murphy’s law, Hamlet and Odysseus part I
Have you had a terrible day today? Do you feel that Murphy’s law “If anything can go wrong it will” holds true for...