🎧 #5_ Murphy’s law, Hamlet and Odysseus part I

Have you had a terrible day today? Do you feel that Murphy’s law “If anything can go wrong it will” holds true for you? Are you dying to know why all those bad things have happened to you and need a word of advice on how to handle them? Why not come over to the...

🎧 #4_The hidden fear of Cyclops

Cyclops Polyphemus on the psychoanalyst Alcinous’s couch? Well, why not? So, what if he is Cyclops and declares that he knows no fear! He, too, as all mortals, has his hidden fears. So listen to his story and learn from it. – Ο Κύκλωπας Πολύφημος στο...

🎧 #3_The lesson in the cave

Nowadays we learn to protect our personal data: name, home address, phone number… Almost 2700 years ago, Homer’s heroes were not careful enough in this matter, not even the resourceful Odysseus! Today, Alcinous the Thinker is going to teach Odysseus a lesson on...

🎬The Farm

Greece might be famous for the sunny beaches but there are much more to discover, much more to experience! Today we are touring on a farm and sharing with you some useful vocabulary. What can you see when you go to a farm in Greece? Enjoy the video! ~ Η Ελλάδα μπορεί...

🎧 #2_ The Greek happiness

Did you apply Homer’s anger management advice or do you still have the “Wrath of Achilles” in you? Today we leave anger behind and explore another emotion, happiness! But what does happiness mean? In today’s episode, Homer describes happiness...

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